
Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9th, 2010

Lots of things have happened this week:

Potty training stories:

On Monday we had a not so good day. Jack and Tyler were outside playing (weather was good which makes for a good day). Jack stood by the door and yelled that he had to pee. I come running to get him and he stands there, at the door step, and pees. Not more than 15 minutes later, we're getting ready to take Tyler home. Tyler is in the car, I'm getting Kate in her carseat, Jack runs out to the car. I go to put Kate in, Jack says "I didn't go pee."
Me: "what!!??"
Jack: "I didn't go pee". (this usually means he DID go pee!) He HAD gone pee... in the back seat. Right on the seat!! I grab him take him inside and put a diaper on him. He says... "Gosh mom, you're going so fast... why you going so fast!"
I was going so fast because I was not happy...
Later we got home, had breakfast, and then Jack told me he had to go pee. Good. I thought. I took the diaper off and let him go pee down the hall. A minute later he comes slowly walking back to the kitchen with a wet dripping face!  "What happened Jack?!!"
Jack:  "I peed"
Me: "On your face!"
He had peed without pointing his peter down and it had gotten all over his face, and all over the bathroom floor.  Pretty gross.  I'm thinking... maybe we just want to go back to diapers.

Kate is becoming very vocal these days.  Not just the screaming/yelling/crying when she wants to eat, but yesterday we were at Aunt Kristy's house and they had a jar with a couple spiders and a moth inside.  She saw them moving around and she just started yelling at them.  Saying "oohh, oohh" loudly.  It was pretty cute and made me laugh pretty hard.
Kate is also starting to shake her head.  She shakes it back and forth like she's saying no.  She'll copy me and Jack sometimes, it's pretty cute.  Last night, on our drive home she had her blanket with her in her car-seat.  She kept pulling it over her head and then putting it down.  Jack kept laughing and laughing at her.  He said "you're funny baby Kate".  He laughs at her a lot.  It's the cutest thing to see.

Cute story about Jack this week.  He's had a few scrapes and cuts the last few days.  On Saturday I cut my toe while we were shopping at Costco.  He looked down at it and said "oh mom... It will get better tomorrow!".  That's what we've been telling him about his boo boos.  Then he sat on the ground and pulled off his shoe and said, "see mom!  My owee's are getting better!"  He was VERY empathetic which was SO sweet!  He's such a great kid!

Today we had a little scare with Kate.  She is such a little dare devil/adventurous/can't tie me down for nothing kind of girl.  She's always standing up in her high chair, turning around, grabbing things off the counter, turns around and tries to stand up in the grocery carts, crawling off things she shouldn't be.  So this morning she fell out of the high chair and landed on her head/back.  She cried, she calmed down, but then she kept putting her head on  me, not lifting up her head, trying to close her eyes and go to sleep.  I kind of panicked.  We called Jared's parents and they suggested we take her to the emergency room.  I was worried about a concussion.  She ended up being okay, but she was really acting strange for about an  hour.  She was clingy, wanted to put her head down and sleep, not wanting to drink.  I feel silly for rushing to the hospital, but I would rather be safe then sorry. I know now what to look for and what's normal and what's not normal.  It sure made me grateful for my sweet little babies!  They could do no wrong today.