
Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21 ,2010

Some fun things of note:
Kate is walking all around these days.  She will turn 1 in 3 days and the time has flown with her!  She is a firecracker!!  She'll let you know when she doesn't like something with a little scream.  She pushes Jack away when he's sitting on my lap and she thinks she needs to be there.  She loves to carry around a lunch box these days.  She'll just pick it up and walk in circles till she falls, then she'll pick it up and walk around again.  She loves carrying around dirty shoes too.  She also likes taking Jack's trains off the track which he HATES!  He says "no Kate! Do something else.  Go somewhere else."  IT makes me laugh because he usually loves playing with her.

Jack told me today that sometimes he eats ants.  I said no you don't.  And he said he does "little tiny dead ants".  I've heard him tell other people the same thing.  I'm wondering if he really IS eating ants.  Maybe I should watch him more closely.  He does like killing bugs.  Stomping on them as hard as he can several times.  He also loves playing with his sister.  I love how he talks to her and thinks she really understands everything he's saying.  The other day he was sick.  He was in his room laying in bed and said "Mom! Bring Kate here so I can tell her I'm sick." It made me smile.  Then this morning she was playing with the Wii remote and he said "no, Kate.  That's for a game and mommy said we can't play it now".  Some other things that make me smile:  The other day I saw Jack's nursery leader and she asked how Jack was doing.  She then said she loved Jack.  He compliments her on her shoes and her dress!  Oh my Jack.  We already have to watch out for you!!
He told me that he was so frustrated the other morning.  When I asked why?  He said that it had been a rough day (and it was only 8 o'clock!).  Poor child.

I love my babies.  That make me laugh, they make me cry, but they make my life complete!