
Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30th, 2010

Jared and I celebrated our 5 year ANNIVERSARY!!  Yes, it's been 5 years!  What a crazy 5 years for us.  We both don't feel like we've lead a normal life.  I guess most people have crazy experiences the beginning of their marriages, so I know we're not alone.  We've just been living for nearly 2 of those past years in Jared's grandmas house,  We lived with my parents for 10 months out of the 5 years, Jared's parents for nearly 4 months, and my sister Kristy's for nearly 4 as well.  Then the other time we lived in a house in Provo with Bryan and Melissa in the basement.  Not really seeming like a place of our own.  Needless to say, we are REALLY looking forward to having a home of our own!!  OUR OWN!! We're hoping in the near future.
I have to say we feel pretty lucky to have had the first 3 years of our marriage while Jared was in school and while I was in school for 2 of those years.  It was fun having an open schedule, being able to have lunches together (meeting in the law library), doing the grocery shopping together,  staying up late watching episodes of "LOST".  It was a stressful time, but it was so much fun too!We couldn't do much for our anniversary this year because I'm still nursing Kate.  So we went to Sacramento, had my parents watch the kids and went to dinner (FAT'S) and a movie (Date Night).  The next day my parent's watched the kids again and we went shopping!  It was fun to have so much time together.  We really enjoyed one anothers company, laughed, and held hands.  It was fun.  I love Jared, and  I can't wait to see what the next 5 years hold!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20th, 2010

So this is me trying to be more productive in my journal keeping. I've decided that I want to write down stuff about the kids, but I don't do it enough. I like to be on the computer so maybe this will help me. It's only for me... and the kids... and maybe Jared too. :) But only if he's nice.
Today was a crazy day!! Still in the middle of trying to potty train Jack, watching Tyler, and living at Grandma Carpenters house. I would never want to say anything bad about this house, and it's not the house. It's the space. We just need more space. We need someplace to put things that shouldn't be played with out of reach. We need a bathroom for the kids that's not right next to the room where Kate is sleeping. We need more space for the boys to play.
I don't know how much longer I can watch Tyler. It's not all him. It's the dynamic between he and Jack. I hate scolding Jack because of Tyler. I feel bad. We should be having fun, but I feel so overwhelmed most days that I just dread knowing that I have Tyler that day. I need a break. I feel such a relief when I know he's not coming over the next morning. It's crazy but I feel like my kids are a breeze! I love Tyler... I'm just not ready for 3, especially 3 this close in age!
I ran this morning. 4 miles in the rain. It was hard, but it always feels good when I'm done. I like being done and ready to get in the shower at 7 am.
Jack said the cutest thing today. He FINALLY went poop in the potty! It made us SO happy! He was really fighting it, but I threatened to put him back in diapers. After fighting for a minute, he gave in. A MAJOR breakthrough. He was SO excited to tell Jared when we met him for lunch. He said "Dad! I pooped in the potty and Heavenly Father didn't even come in the hall way!" It was so cute. We've been praying in our Family prayers that Heavenly Father would help Jack to not be afraid to go poop in the potty. We told him that even though he couldn't see Heavenly Father we knew that he was there helping him! Oh I hope this continues! We love that boy!